Guest Blogger Greg Strickland Shares "Five Reasons Why Your Church Should Still Be Holding Revival Meetings" 12/3/2014

Revival meetings?  Didn't people stop holding those in the '50's?  No, many churches across America still have them, regardless of the general feeling among many that they are outdated.


Now, if you are talking about evangelistic crusades that assumption might be right.  It seems that people today tend to respond more positively to relational evangelism.  But when we are talking about reviving - bringing new life to a body of believers, real revival has never been more important.  And revival meetings can be an effective part of real revival!

As a minister who's served churches for over 25 years - big ones, small ones, old ones, new ones, traditional ones, and modern ones - let me give you my top five reasons over the next five days just why your congregation should still be holding revival meetings. 

#5 - Revival meetings give your congregation something to promote 

Let's face it, we know all the best-selling books are all about being "missional".  We are encouraged to "take the church to the people" rather than bringing people to church.  And that's a fantastic transition that needs to happen.  However, Sunday morning is still a time when unchurched people who are just curious enough and hungry enough about Jesus will show up at your church.  So why not get those folks that way if you can.  A revival meeting can have that "open house" effect.  "Here is something we are inviting the public to!"  Put it on your website (Don't have one of those?  Check here, list it in the paper, or put it on a good ol' poster - but promote your congregation!  

Yes, we know the public is invited every Sunday.  But you'd be surprised at the number of people I've met who have asked, "Is it 'OK' if I come to your church Sunday?"  In this postmodern world, church can be seen as a club where those who aren't members might not be welcomed.  (I wonder why anyone would have that idea?)  Think about attending a club to which you'd not been invited.  Would you just show up?

Speaking of invitations, revivals are an opportunity for your members to invite friends and neighbors.  It's something different, special, or exciting.  It's a great speaker (I'm partial, but I like these guys, some fantastic music (This guy is awesome Superfantasticproductions), or a great kids' program.  But it's something your people can get behind and ask their friends, family, and neighbors to come to.

Tomorrow!  #4